Our company takes pride in achieving excellence
Together for building a better future
Quality and creativity in every project

About Us
Al Asima General Contracting Company
Al Asima General Contracting Company Limited is one of Iraq’s promising companies in the field of contracting, distinguished by perseverance, meticulous planning, and efficient management. Specializing in construction, electrical, mechanical, architectural, and communication works, the company boasts extensive expertise in these areas. Our exceptional team, with its wealth of experience and dedicated mindset, consistently aims to satisfy stakeholders, building a strong and stable foundation of trust amidst fierce competition.
Established in 2003 with a capital of IQD 5,000,000,000, Capital General Contracting has been classified by the Iraqi Ministry of Planning as first in construction and fifth in electrical and mechanical categories. The company has expanded its operations to include new activities, notably underground drilling, crucial for preserving infrastructure. We excel in constructing stadiums, pools, and Olympic-grade athletic facilities across Iraq, alongside diverse projects encompassing construction, electrical, mechanical, telecommunications, finishing works, decor, and equipping governmental bodies and companies with competitive pricing.
Our distinguished team of consultants, engineers, and technicians, renowned for their extensive experience and high competence, diligently ensures precise execution of the company’s commitments. Capital General Contracting is fully equipped with all necessary machinery, asphalt and concrete plants, and equipment for hidden drilling and concrete pavement casting, enabling us to execute projects swiftly, cost-effectively, and with the highest quality standards.
Moreover, our collaborative partnerships with globally reputable companies enable us to cover multiple specialized areas with equal efficiency and high standards of execution.
Your optimal choice for project execution
Project management
Managing human, financial, and material resources, in addition to coordinating between all stakeholders to ensure smooth and efficient project operations. The primary goal of project management is to achieve workflow efficiency.
Construction contracting
Executing projects with high quality and precision, in line with the latest technologies and international standards. We oversee every aspect of the construction process, from planning and design to final delivery.
This includes government buildings, schools, hospitals, and electrical, water, and sewage networks. Developing and maintaining efficient and reliable infrastructure is vital for achieving sustainable development and prosperity.
Roads and bridges
Road and bridge projects require meticulous planning and continuous supervision to ensure construction quality and compliance with technical and safety standards. This contributes to improving people's lives and driving economic development forward.

العروض الخدمية الخاصة بالشركة
- اعداد دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية.
- اعداد الرسومات الابتدائية.
- مستندات طرح العطاءات.
- تقييم العطاءات.
- تخطيط أقليمي.
- تخطيط مدن.
- تخطيط عمراني.
- تصميم حضري وتنسيق مواقع.
- تصميم المباني التجارية.
- تصميم المباني السياحية.
- تصميم المباني الإدارية.
- تصميم المجمعات السكنية والفيلات.
- هندسة ميكانيكية وكهربائية.
- توزيع القوى الكهربائية.
- تكييف وتهوية.
- توزيع المياه ساخن وبارد.
- نظام التغذية والصرف.
- نظام الاتصالات.
- نظام وقاية الحريق.
- نظام انذار الحريق.
- نظام غاز مركزي.
- نظم ادارة المباني.
- إنشاء كل أنواع المباني وتنفيذ أعمال الصرف الصحي ( شبكات المياه والمجاري وتبليط الطرق).
- انشاء الملاعب الأولمبية والمسابح والعاب القوى.
- هندسة إنشائية خاصة.
- أساسات وتربة.
- أعمال خرسانية وحديدية.
- تقييم إنشائي.
تجهيز وتنفيذ خطوط الضغط العالي ٣٣ كي في و ١٣٢ كي في و ٤٠٠ كي في اضافة الى تجهيز وتنفيذ محطات تحويل الطاقة الكهربائية وتجهيز وتنفيذ محطات كهربائية متنقلة.